Friday, October 22nd 2021
What a week! There is so much for which to be thankful.
Our team of faithful volunteers safely traveled to Honduras and will all travel home Saturday morning. We have had a wonderful week and we have been blessed by this team consisting of Jack Garber, Larry House, Yolanda Mohammed, Dr. Kristen Powell, Shirley Woodlief, Debbie Stegman, Dr. Joe Stegman, Joseph Thompson, Patti Wagner, and Erin Caldwell.
The team set out with a goal of putting into practice new safety protocols and clinic practices so that our teams can return in 2022. Additionally, our new electronic medical record (EMR) system and new Barnabas Bus were put to the test for the very first time.
The modified schedule due to a torrential downpour on Wednesday and its impact on the region, created an unplanned day at Alfredo’s House on Friday. Ever so flexible, the team rallied, adjusted, and adapted. Some team members began to document new policies, develop new handbooks for the EMR, and rework existing protocols. Others took on the medicine bodega, cleaning, sorting, and bringing in new shelving units. The new bus, which passed MANY tests in its first week of action, was reviewed and maintenance plans were discussed. The unplanned day proved to be truly beneficial for FOB, as the team’s gifts and talents were utilized in unexpected ways.
The Scouting Team was rewarded handsomely at lunchtime with handmade pupusas outside thanks to Karen and Albita. The team laughed and shared stories before taking on more projects in the afternoon.
This team has been a special one, offering experience and many years devoted to the growth of FOB. Unforeseen challenges came up, as they sometimes do, but the team was committed to serving in any way that would help FOB.
Isn’t life just like that sometimes? You set out to accomplish something in a particular way, only to find that God’s plan was for you to reach that end by taking a completely different path. He has certainly worked through each member of the team this week, using their skillsets and talents in ways that they did not plan, but which ultimately make FOB stronger and better able to serve the people of Honduras in the future.
We are grateful for the overwhelming support that the team has received. We know that the needs of Honduras are great and thanks to those serving this week, we are ready to send more teams to help. Won’t you consider joining us?
Erin H. Caldwell
President, Friends of Barnabas