Friday, February 23, 2024
Today, the Hampton Roads team had the opportunity to serve more than 50 families in the village of Lomas del Águila in Honduras. The facility was very nice, and the people were so welcoming and appreciative. We learned that these community members work very hard growing and harvesting several crops including coffee, bananas and ginger root.
Many children were among those who came to the clinic. We saw more infants in this community than we had seen in previous villages this week. The children were all very well-mannered and patient throughout the day. It was also observed that even though they live in very isolated areas, children are basically the same everywhere... the little girls wear pink and giggle together and the little boys rough house.
A couple highlights of the day...
A 16-year-old girl who was seen by a dentist was so thankful that she gave a heart sign after her dental treatment.
An older gentleman with a very painful and stiff shoulder hadn't actually registered to receive care. He was very scared and doubtful about chiropractic treatment. After talking with a family nurse practitioner on the team, he finally deciding to go ahead with it. The chiropractor on the team was able to treat the issue, which provided the man with great relief. He was so happy to be able to move his arm without pain.
The team feels incredibly blessed to have been able to share the Kingdom of God with so many beautiful people this week. A comment was made that "the team is not a group of gringos serving Hondurans, but it's a group of Christians serving Christians."
~Shelly Bowles