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El Cerron

Erin Caldwell

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Good morning!! One of my favorite things in the morning is how quiet it is. I wake up and tip toe down the hall to get a peak of the view of the mountains before everyone starts waking up. Well except for Lauren, I never beat her waking up. We were running a bit behind this morning so it was a quick breakfast before piling onto the bus.

Yet again we had an amazing location for our clinic today, the top of a hill. I think it’s funny how the kids always question why we’re so amazed at the view and taking photos when that’s just where they go to school every day. I’d probably be thinking the same if some strangers came and did that at my elementary school too.

Right when we got there it started raining and kept on for the rest of the day. We had to move some stations around, but a little rain can’t stop us. However, we were worried about the roads driving back home so we kicked it in high gear today. I was amazed because we had the most people today and yet we knocked it all out by 12:30. I’ve never had so many patients back-to-back.

Once everyone was taken care of, we ate a quick lunch and then a few of us played with the kids while the bus got packed up. What was really fun was that I learned how to make balloon animals, well balloon dogs haha, so I set up a little station and was making those for the kids. Only problem is when there’s a lot more kids than balloons. Thankfully when we ran out, they were easily distracted by the bubbles, stickers and mustaches. I was running around making everyone wear mustaches, even a few of the grown men, lol. That made the kids and parents laugh so much.

The ride back was a little rocky today, but I was so tired today I fell asleep. And when we got back, I took another nap. I’m more than grateful to be on this trip but five days in a row can definitely wear a person out, haha. I don’t know how the team from Honduras do this so often. Though I slept most of the bus ride back I had the realization that we only have one day left now. I’m not sure I’m going to be able to leave this place if I’m being honest. It’s crazy how much your perspective of the world can change in just one week.

Though the rain didn’t let up it was a very peaceful evening that we honestly all needed. Till tomorrow… our last day 😢💙


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