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Team Hampton Roads is in Honduras this week!

Erin Caldwell

Saturday, February 8th 2020

Today was a long day for Team Hampton Roads! We all woke up very early to catch our flights and thankfully all arrived safely in Honduras. Unfortunately our teammate, Maggie McCauley was unable to come with us at the last minute due to a family emergency. We all miss her and are keeping her family in our prayers.

Upon arrival at Alfredo's House we were greeted by the wonderful staff who immediately made us feel at home and served us a very delicious dinner. We will not be losing weight this week! After dinner, we started assembling and packing up supplies to take out to the villages and spent time getting to know each other better. We are looking forward to a good night’s sleep and beginning our adventure tomorrow!

Sunday, February 9th 2020

Today was a very special day at Friends of Barnabas. We were blessed to witness the dedication of the well that Former Chairman of the Board, George Blair worked tirelessly on for years. This well will provide much needed water for all of those who are part of the Friends of Barnabas mission. Board Member, Jesse Williams, stressed that George Blair’s mission is the same as ours:

“Have a good heart to help those less fortunate.

Have faith to ask God for what you need and believe he will provide and be committed to your mission!”

George’s wife, Charnell told us that George talked about Friends of Barnabas and the well to everyone he met and that he would be dancing for joy in heaven today.

Honduran Director, Nury Janania read John 4:14 which says “but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst indeed the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

We rounded out our day with a beautiful nature walk, chocolate tasting and packing up medicines to take out to the villages.

After a lovely dinner at a local restaurant, Peggy ended our day with a powerful devotion in which we blessed each other’s hands for healing and comfort in preparation for the work we will do this week.

~Jodi Browne

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