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Clinics in San Antonio de Yure

Erin Caldwell

Wednesday, September 3rd, 2019

Today we visited San Antonio de Yure. This community is made up of 81 families. There is no health center in this community, and the closest one is 10 km away in Taulabe. We were blessed this morning by having a big team breakfast that included all the Honduran staff. Even with cultural and language barriers, we were all able to come together and laugh and enjoy each other. As a returning member, I know firsthand that these people become your family. You look forward to coming back and seeing them the next year. We couldn’t do this without them and it is amazing we can come together to serve an amazing God.

Kids made up a majority of the population in this community, so it’s no surprise that Alanna gave out her cross to a little boy in the eye clinic. The boy’s mom was told by his teacher that he had trouble seeing the board in school. His vision had been tested approximately 6 months ago and was normal. Alanna noticed while sitting there that the boy kept rubbing his eyes like they itched. One of the medical professionals looked at his eyes and suggested he had an eye condition. He was referred to get a prescription for glasses. Alanna brought up the point that if we weren’t here, if the Friends of Barnabas did not do what they do, that boy would not have been successful in school because he would have not been able to see. She rewarded the boy with her cross because he brought her to the true meaning of why we are here.

While physical health is important, mental health is just as important. One of our members, Aimee, works in the States as a mental health counselor. Dr. Katie referred one of her patients for a mental health check due to suspected depression. Aimee and Joel sat with the patient to talk while his three kids waited to the side. The patient talked and told Aimee that she had helped him tremendously.

While debriefing at dinner, Aimee expressed that she had been struggling the past few days to notice her purpose on this team. She said after today, she realized God sent her on this trip to utilize her skills with this man and many like him. Each team member has a special contribution to this team. As 1 Peter 4:10 says: “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace.”

~Kristen Jamerson

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