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ECSC Reflections

Erin Caldwell

Jenn - I came to Honduras with an open mind ready for an adventure. I had no idea I would have the best week of my life. I had no idea I would find my faith in Honduras. I have made lifelong memories and lifelong friendships. I have enjoyed seeing the pride and compassion that the Honduran people have for their people and their country. Anne said in the beginning of this trip that it will “reset your life”. It has done that and more for me and I am so thankful

Mary - I had a great week. It was my job to give fluoride treatments to the children. It was the best job that I could have had. It was so much fun interacting with the children, their mothers, and sometimes their fathers. I have never seen so much love and respect. I even learned a few Spanish phrases. The people, especially the staff, of Honduras are wonderful.

Robin - Pure Joy! A week of serving others and receiving so much more in return. I am thankful for all of the warm smiles, beautiful brown eyes, and gracious loving Hondurans. My heart will never be as small as it was before!

Ingrid - As I reflect back on the week in Honduras, I have come to realize that like the families at home in Virginia, they all have a story. Every parent loves their children and it is hard to imagine something if you have never been faced with that situation. These people may not be in the best living conditions, but there is LOVE. The children were so happy to see us! The adults were so appreciative and never complained whether it was hot or raining. We are all alike but just have different stories, so don’t be judgmental just love one another.

Gabby - On each of my four trips to Honduras, I am always struck by how hardworking the people of Honduras are. The Friends of Barnabas staff work tirelessly to ensure the medical brigade team is well taken care of. We are fed great meals, our clothing is laundered, we are driven to all of our locations, the bus is unloaded and reloaded; the hard work is endless. Yet I have never heard a word of complaint, and often see smiles as this hard work is being done. I am also always impressed by the patience of the children. They wait in line, without complaint, and often in the direct sunlight. They have often had nothing, or at most, very little to eat that day. Yet, you give the child a sticker, or blow bubbles, and it is like you are giving them Christmas. I am so blessed to have found the Friends of Barnabas foundation, and to have been able to serve on four mission trips thus far.

Mike - It was an amazing week. Coming from Arizona and not knowing anyone else on the team besides my wife, I was a little nervous but Martha and the rest of the team welcomed us as their own and made us feel like a part of the team from day one. I am so blessed to have been a part of this amazing team. To see the way The Lord is working though FOB in Honduras is just amazing and inspiring.

Stephanie - Today was a great day as it has been all week. I was able to give my cross away to the most special person I have come across, Martha Reed. She has exceptional leadership and the most compassion of anyone I know. Without Martha it would not be possible for me to be here and to be blessed with all these new friendships. I am very thankful to have watched Preston with the children today. It was amazing to watch him teach games to small children and have the teens follow along.

Courtney - I have had an amazing time here playing with the children and realizing just how lucky we are to have what we have. This has been a very eye opening experience and I will definitely hug my family a little tighter when I get back home. Getting to know the staff here at FOBF has been such a joy. I look forward to next year.

Laurel - This week has been amazing. It’s been a pleasure getting to know everyone on the team and my interpreter, Kimberly. She has such a kind heart and was so helpful to me during the week. We made a great team. Kimberly wants to go to school to be a doctor so she can help people with FOB.I gave Kimberly my cross today.

Michael - I thank God for the blessings of the team and the Honduran staff and people we encountered. Split wood, pick up a stone, carry water, look around, the kingdom of God is within you.

Mary Preston - This has been an amazing week working with the people of Honduras. I have weighed and measured children and passed out numerous bracelets and cross necklaces. I have put hundreds of stickers and tattoos on children and enjoyed their giggles and laughter. I have experienced the love and gratitude of all the people that I have encountered this week.

Martha - What an awesome week! Team members, many of whom had never met, bonded together in Christian love and service to minister to the beautiful people of Honduras. We have made many new friends and it has been a pleasure serving with the Honduran staff. I had the awesome privilege of working with Fernando in pediatric eye screening. He is an amazing young man and was so patient and loving to the children. Leaving is always hard and each time I do I take a little more of Honduras with me.

Preston - I had the most amazing experience during this trip. Traveling to a new and beautiful country and meeting new and interesting people. During the mission I worked in deworming, but my favorite thing to do was play with the children. It was a struggle at first because I don’t speak Spanish so I decided to communicate through silent acting and the universal language of games. I taught them rock, paper, scissors, bubble gum in a dish and a few others. In return they played soccer with me and always kicked me the ball. I’ll miss these people as I leave this gorgeous country but I’ll be taking with me new memories, my favorite being those of the children and my teammates. I can’t wait to come back.

Anne - I am not a dental assistant by profession, but had the privilege of spending the week as one with Dr. Arita, who gives up his time to be a part of every team who travels to Honduras. He is so kind, gentle and patient, as he extracts teeth from those age 4 and older. There were many tears and many happy smiles when it was over. Being a part of this team has showed me bonding and love for which I will be forever grateful.

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