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ECSC in La Aguita

Erin Caldwell

Thursday, May 23rd, 2019

Our scripture reading this morning came from Colossians 2:2-7, which ends with “...built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude.”

We saw 212 in general clinic in La Aguita, Pena Blanca. While the medical clinic and eye clinic set up in community buildings, the dental clinic was set up in a home.

Courtney enjoyed seeing the kids and their reaction to the bubbles. Mary Preston noticed a little boy who was having some trouble walking and sitting under a tree, but joined in when the bubbles came out. Mary loves seeing the children who come to get fluoride. When she gave out crosses, the children were hiding them in their pockets so they could get more.

Stephanie was watching Ingrid with a little boy who was there with his grandmother. It was clear that they did not have much to eat and they tried to offer them water. Ingrid gave her cross to the little boy because he reminded her of her own husband when he was a little boy. Ingrid and Mary have the weight and measure station down now and are ready for another week.

Preston was busier today in deworming and unable to spend as much time playing with the children. Jenn learned a lot about her translator, Luis, whose parents are in their 70’s and own a coffee farm. He works with other mission groups as well.

Gabby encountered a 15 year old girl who was born with jaundice and unable to walk or talk but through therapy at FOBF, is able to walk and talk now. Her parents were extremely thankful for the care she has received.

Robin had a very busy day that included a mother with a 3 year old girl as well as 4 teenage sons. The boys belonged to her sister, who had passed away. She also was touched by a 12 year old holding his mother’s hand.

Mike had a good day in pharmacy which was fairly uneventful except for a couple of breathing treatments. Laurel has had babies crying before she ever touched them this week. Today she had a little boy who was anxious to be seen! Another woman at her station had recently been to the emergency room due to extreme pain to find out she had gall stones, kidney stones and a cyst on her ovary with surgery scheduled for January 2020. She was referred to our doctor who will work to get her into another hospital sooner.

Tim watched a lot of tears and teeth being pulled in the dental clinic. He loves to see the joy in the children once he leaves the dental clinic. Martha saw many eye problems in the pediatric eye screening. One of her patients was an 18 year old with a mental disability. She really wished she had her cross to give him. Michael was called to give the young man his cross and as it turns out, the young boy was also named Michael. They saw 50 people in the eye clinic, with many of them being older people.

We stopped for ice cream on the way home and closed our evening with scripture from Mark 2:1-12.

~Anne Van Wart

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