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Serving San Romon

November 8, 2018

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

The Dinwiddie Mountain Team was in the San Romon Community today which was the farthest community we have been to this week. The people were lined up by the gates as we pulled up, waiting for who knows how long to see us. 193 people were seen today at the medical clinic, 23 in the dental clinic, 51 in the adult/pediatric vision clinic, 141 vitamins, 91 deworming and 32 children were given fluoride treatment. It’s an incredible thing to behold when you are surrounded by a group of people all working together to make a difference.

Will Hilton of Sussex County, VA is making a difference this week. He has been married 20 years to his lovely wife Beth, and they have 6 children between them and 12 grandchildren. He is a member at Sharon United Methodist Church in Yale, VA, where he met Jay Harrison, the Pastor and our team leader. He has served on mission trips in the past with the Appalachian Service Project for three years helping ensure families in the Appalachian areas have a wet, dry and safe homes. This is his second trip with FOB, and he has loved “being aware of God working on everything happening here, and witnessing God’s work. When you see me doing good, it’s not me; I’m being used to do God’s work.” He has been working hard all week in the vision clinic and rocking it. FOB has added pediatric vision testing to the vision clinic this year, and Will has loved being a part of it. Yesterday the generator they use to power the vision screening machines decide to take the day off, and so they had to use only the batteries that came with the machines. Will said a prayer that they would be able to last long enough to test everyone that needed it, and not only were they able to finish but they tested over 100 just in pediatrics! God is good!

McKinsey Pyle of Dinwiddie, VA is making a difference this week. She has been married to her husband Rick, a Henrico Firefighter for 13 years, and they have two beautiful boys. This is her second trip to Honduras with FOB, and she looks forward to many more trips in her future. Looking back thirty years ago she would have never imagined that this is where she would be. She started attending Central Baptist Church in 2013 and felt a calling to the FOB trips when Shirley Woodlief came back year after year with the pictures and stories from the trips she went on. So she finally took the plunge in 2017 when someone had to back out of the Nov 2017 Team. Shirley approached her with the opportunity and she said Yes! She never imagined the trip would affect her as much as it did. Through this incredible experience she discovered her passion for dentistry, and has been working with Dr. Arita in the dental clinic. She loves learning from him and seeing how much passion he has for his work; he truly loves the people and wants to do all he can to make their lives better. She believes now that God guided her on this path, and even though it may not have always been easy, it lead her where she is supposed to be.

Laura Noyes (Me) of Dinwiddie, VA is making a difference this week. I’ve been married to my husband Chris for almost 10 years, and we have two wonderful children. We both grew up in New Hampshire and moved to Virginia in 2010. I am a homemaker, small goat farm owner, and I run a small soap making business with my friend Kim. I have been a member at Central Baptist Church since 2015 and have loved hearing Shirley’s stories about Honduras. I’ve always wanted to do mission trips in the past but something always derailed the trip, so for many years it wasn’t in the forefront of my mind. Then in 2017 I got the desire to go again, but it didn’t work out. My friends McKinsey was able to go and when she returned and we talked about her journey I knew I had to go the following year. So when it came time to recruit team members I was ready to take my place. I have worked the fluoride, pharmacy and weights/measurements stations and found joy in every place. There is so much to take in no matter what part you play. The children are ecstatic over bubbles and stickers, and if you bust out nail polish you better be ready for little hands flying in your face! It’s beautiful and sad all at the same time and most bus rides home I sit quietly reflecting on everything I witnessed and there are no words that will do it justice. I will be forever changed by this journey and thank God for giving me the opportunity to say yes.

~Laura Noyes

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