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A Day in La Isla

Erin Caldwell

November 6, 2018

On Day two, the Dinwiddie Mountain Medical Team visited the La Isla Community in Zacapa Santa Barbara. We where surrounded by 150 happy, eager men, women and children. As I watched all of us diligently work at our stations I was suddenly hit by how just three days ago we were all strangers and here we are working so well together; one body with many parts. As “Birthday Bob Moseley” said, “None of us are here by accident, God orchestrated this week with a purpose.” Just as God has brought us together, even when it may not have been in the way we expected.

Anne and Bob Moseley of Richmond, VA have been married for 4 ½ years. Anne has gone on 9 trips with Friends of Barnabas from 2001-2009, but was sidelined for 8 years. She has known Bob since elementary school (even though he had to show her a yearbook picture to prove it) and with how life works, they went their separate ways after graduation but brought back together in 2013 and were then married in 2014.

In 2017 she received an email from an old team leader from FOB asking if she would be interested in going again and she said yes! She loves seeing the progression of the program throughout the years; how it’s expanded and made such a positive impact in the communities they visit. She enjoys working in the Pharmacy Department with its fast-paced work flow and being able to see all the families that come through the clinic. This trip has been special because she has been able to see Bob experience everything for the first time. Bob received his associate’s degree in 2002 in IT and has been working IT for the last 15 years. He went back and got his undergrad done in 2002 and just finished his first semester at Liberty for Seminary School. He was led to Christ through Anne and after hearing of the missionary work she’s done and wanted to become more involved. He has loved his time here so far and especially loves working in the dental clinic. He appreciates seeing the love and appreciation of the people even with the little they have. It’s amazing how God brings people together and the road he lays before them and Bob’s response; “where God leads, I’ll follow.”

The “Mom & Dad” of our group are Thom and Francene Green from Dinwiddie, VA. Thom was an elementary school teacher, assistant principal and then later became head principal for the Dinwiddie County Public Schools system, with a total of 39 years of service. He touched the lives of many children and loved every minute of it. When he retired in 2006 he went on his first mission trip after Hurricane Katrina hit in 2007 to help with the disaster relief in the affected areas; He went back several times after to help rebuild homes. He met Francene, who also worked in the public school system in Colonial Heights as a world history teacher, in 1999 and were married in 2000. They have 5 children between the two of them, but always refer to them as OUR children; not “his kids” and “my kids” but OURS. In my opinion that speaks volumes about the kind of people they are. Even though they faced hard times, they found each other and have been a blessing to each other and every life they touch. Francene has always had a passion for missions and was called to missionary work after attending the Urbana Missions Conference, but was sidelined for many years, until the Lord knew she had the right person beside her at just the right time. She went on her first mission trip in 2012; teaching bible school in Jamaica and then went on to become a team leader on 8 stateside disaster relief missions.

They were introduced to the Friends of Barnabas through Carlos and their Pastor at Ocran United Methodist, who have been on many trips with FOB and shared their experiences. The Greens are here for their second time and are loving every minute of it. Thom loves working at the Vision clinic, which now has a pediatric department, giving him the opportunity to work with children again. Francene loves the fast paced pharmacy department, being able to observe the medical staff work with the children and their families. God brought these couples together just as we were all brought together to accomplish his purpose; to love one another, as God loves us.

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