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Erin Caldwell

Last Day of NICU Training

Friday, October 26, 2018

When you come to the end of a mission week, there are always mixed emotions. First is the anticipation of seeing family, friends and your own bed again. Second, is the satisfaction you feel from knowing that your work was important and made a difference for someone. Last, is a sense of sadness that you are leaving a beautiful place and beautiful people when there is still so much to be done. This team is feeling all of those things today.

Our final day at Hospital Mario Caterino Rivas was spent continuing to reinforce the information that had been presented Monday, and to spend time with specific questions from the staff. We sat with the two lead physicians, getting their feedback and hearing what they would like to see taught in the future. It was a joy to hear that they are excited about this new partnership, and thrilled that their nurses will have a source of support and continuing education.

This particular NICU cares for extremely sick infants. We all spent time encouraging staff and parents, as they cared for these little ones. Silent prayers were said over those who are the sickest, asking for peace and comfort.

Again, we left gifts of diapers, wipes and hand sanitizer. Parents have to supply diapers and wipes for their babies. Often, they cannot do this. The gifts given will be a huge help to them.

Our mission/teaching week as been a part of the Early Childhood Development Program of Friends of Barnabas. We are committed to helping children have the best start in life, as well as helping them to grow and develop as normally as possible. By spending time teaching the NICU nurses, we are helping to improve outcomes for these babies. As skills and methods of care change and improve, the chances that these babies go home to live normal lives is increased. We humbly covet your continued support and prayers for this program, these nurses, and most of all the children of Honduras.

~Patti Wagner

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