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Team Bethany is in Honduras this week!

Saturday, October 13 2018

4 AM came early this morning in Washington, DC. Thankfully we stayed in a hotel last night near Dulles Airport. The group congregated in the hotel lobby before daybreak to begin our trek. Everything from checking 28 duffel bags to getting everyone through security went seamlessly. By the way, the 28 duffel bags are our supplies for this week's medical work - the individual team members only take a carry-on for personal items. We jumped from DC to Atlanta to San Pedro Sula without any issues. During the drive to the Alfredo House (our home base for the week) we did quickly become acquainted with Honduran road construction. The really cool thing about that is that they don't care how long you have to sit and wait on them! So we got some extra time in the van.

We had a restful afternoon at the house and an absolutely delicious dinner of homemade chicken fajitas. Due to traveling all day this was our first "real" meal and it hit the spot! A whiteboard hangs in the kitchen/dining area waiting for a list of "weekly numbers" - total patients served in the clinic, number of extractions, number of vitamins, etc. I can't wait to see what that board looks like at the end of the week.

Tonight will be early to bed for most of us. Everyone is sitting around chatting at the dining table as I write this, and I think we are all pretty tired from the day's journey (and the AWESOME dinner). Tomorrow holds a kayaking trip in the morning and preparations for the week's medical work in the afternoon, but I know we are all most excited for Monday morning when we visit our first village!

Until tomorrow...

Molly Rhodes

Sunday, October 14 2018

After an extremely early bed time last night, we enjoyed a wonderful breakfast this morning before the start of our Sunday. For the first half of the day, most of the group opted to take a kayaking trip on Lake Yojoa while a few of us stayed back. It was a great time to get to know one another better while enjoying the beautiful natural scenery around the lake.

After kayaking, we made a stop in Pena Blanca at the local grocery store. Our lone bilingual member of the group was exhausted going between aisles to translate labels for the rest of us. Upon returning to Casa de Alfredo we all joined together for lunch.

I know you're probably wondering why we told all of you that we came down here for a mission trip, and you're sitting there reading about us going kayaking and having all this fun. I promise you, our work starts tomorrow and the rest of the afternoon was spent in preparation for that!

At the kitchen tables, we sorted thousands upon thousands of medication and vitamins into bags to be handed out in the villages we'll be visiting this week. In the carport, some more team members divvied up more "fun" (but also necessary!) supplies like flip flops, diapers, stickers, and bubbles. The bubbles and stickers will be used to play with the children when certain parts of the clinic finish early, and also to help calm children who may be scared of receiving medical care.

Our group ventured to a nearby restaurant for our only meal "out" this week. After dinner, Nury gave us some more information and safety instructions for our work this week. Our group leader, Gary, had some parting words for us before heading upstairs this evening: "If there isn't something that moves you this week, then nothing will."

I'm personally very excited to get started tomorrow, and I think everyone else feels the same. Stay tuned for more updates after our first clinic tomorrow.

Molly Rhodes

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