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Clinics in Miraflores

Monday, September 25, 2017

Buenos Días from Honduras! Our team had an awesome first day of clinic. We traveled to the small town of Miraflores where we were greeted by smiling faces, laughter and kindness. Our hearts were touched today as we were able to serve God's people. One little girl in particular, whose name is Naomi, took a liking to our group. She spent most of the day laughing, smiling and playing with the staff.

Last night, we were each given a wooden cross necklace to give away to someone who touches our heart. We had the first giving of a cross today to a gentleman who showed the true meaning of love and service despite having overcome a congenital physical disability.

After traveling back home, we were greeted by a hanging pínata and cake to celebrate our leader's birthday. Needless to say, much fun was had at the celebration.

After a beautiful and delicious meal, we had a devotion about servitude. We ended the night with our Rock Star doctor Will serenading us with his guitar. Our tummies are full and our hearts runners over. We are eager to see what tomorrow brings.

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