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University City Team is in Honduras

Erin Caldwell

Saturday, September 2, 2017

The 16 member team coming from different directions met up in Atlanta to continue the journey to Case de Bernabe. It is a wonderful group of people who are quickly becoming good friends. We were met at the airport by our Honduran director Nury and Marco our bus driver. Upon loading all 28 duffels along with luggage in the bus we got something to drink and than on our way. Upon our arrival we had juice and fresh fruit awaiting us. After settling in we quickly began the task of separating diapers, flip flops and clothing in duffels for our daily village visit. Tylenol and children vitamins were counted and bagged. Tomorrow we will finish up counting and bagging medicines.

After a delicious meal our devotion was given by Thomas Ferrell. The devotion was focused on being still and hearing God's voice. Our hope is that our journey this week will lead to many opportunities of stillness with God.

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