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I Have Never Been More Appreciated

Journal 2

Monday, March 6, 2017

The first village we served this week was in Buenos Aires, Las Vegas, Santa Barbara. This is the village that Farmville UMC has been supporting. Martha presented the community leader with a banner they had sent with us. We set up 6 nurses stations, deworming, fluoride, dental, weight and height, and optometry. Dr. Arita is our dentist this week. He gives 12 weeks of his time each year for FOBF. Dr. Moncado was the medical doctor in the clinic. We saw 252 patients. Terry's six words for the day were "I have never been more appreciated." Tammy gave her cross to her final patient who was a 72 year old male with very arthritic hands who reminded her of her father. Jeanette gave her cross to a man who had been having trouble with pain in one of his eyes for the last two years. After administering two eye drops into his eye, he believes in miracles. Today would not have been the success it was without our bus drivers, our translators, and all of the staff. We found God in many places today! -Anne Van Wart

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