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Erin Caldwell

SOVA Team is in Honduras!

Journal 1

Saturday, March 4, 2017

We had a 6 am flight out of Raleigh, so we were up and ready early this morning. We were the first in line and made it safely to Honduras with all 28 bags. At the San Pedro Sula airport we had 4 guys help us with the duffles. Marco drove us to the Alfredo House, which we will call home this week. Cardi was there to greet us and help unload the duffles. Our cooks had fresh fruit and juice for us to snack on prior to dinner. We unpacked and relaxed to get ready for the week. After dinner Nury gave us instructions on what we would be doing this week.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Rev Mike started our day off with a devotion from Galatians 5:22-23. After a rain shower and a relaxing morning we headed to the Cacao Farm to learn all about the production of cocoa. We were able to taste cocoa beans, chocolate wine, chocolate tea, hot chocolate and sugared cocoa. We then went to the market to purchase snacks and coffee and then back to Alfedo house for lunch and pill sorting. We sorted 29000 Tylenol, 13250 Tums, 35000 children's vitamins, and 8640 adult vitamins into individual bags to be used in the pharmacy this week. We filled the duffles with diapers, clothing, shoes, baby blankets, hats, soccer balls, dish cloths and feminine products for each village. Afterwards, we held a cross ceremony where each member of the team was given a cross to give away this week. Rev Mike anointed our heads with oil from the Mt of Olives and said a prayer over each one of us. We also shared communion by serving one another. Then we went out to dinner. Tomorrow the real work begins!

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