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Two Full Days of Clinic

Erin Caldwell

Journal 4

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Today started out with a 2 1/2 hour drive into the mountains. Thankfully most of it was on paved roads. This was the largest community and the longest day of clinics all week.

After dinner we asked the question,"Where did you see Jesus today?" Michelle said Luz, who is one of the community leaders, worked hard all day and smiled the whole time.

Charles shared that sitting on the bus with Anne was where he found Jesus in being able to share once again with her their past experiences in Honduras.

Several crosses were given away today. One to a 60 year old grandmother who is taking care of her 6 grandkids, ages 2-11. One was given to another 60 year old woman who was taking care of her 33 year old son with cancer. One was given to a 73 year old woman who is taking care of her 104 year old father and 98 year old mother.

We were late leaving the village due to the number of people being seen. Our ride home was delayed even further by a 30 minute traffic jam due to construction. We arrived home around 7:30 pm where Virginia and Albita, our faithful cook and helper waited patiently to serve us dinner and clean up. They had to come back at 5:00am and never complained once! We are so very grateful to these wonderful, loving women!

Exhausted, grateful and happy, we all fell into bed so we could rest up for our final day in clinic.

Friday, February 17, 2017

What was supposed to be our smallest village and shortest clinic day turned out to be even busier than yesterday! Word had spread and people walked up to 2 hours to be seen. There were kids, kids and more kids! So many little babies! For our final debriefing we asked, " Give 6 words to describe today."

"Time flies when you're having fun!"

"I loved all the little babies."

"I can't believe it is over."

"That guy had a rough day."

"Raul is my furry Honduran friend."

"Thankful we were all here together."

"Busy, fun, kids and old friends."

"Several unexpected surprises in small packages."

"One patient today touched my heart."

"God blessed Shaun and me today."

"Counting pills in Honduras is fun."

"Longer than expected happy to serve."

"Unexpected surprises came to me today."

"I'm glad my wife is well."

"Bubbles are always a good time."

We are all so grateful to God for allowing us this short but fulfilling time here this week. We thank all who have been praying for us and supported us to get here. May God bless all of you as He has blessed us.

Yours in Christ,

Peggy and Flo

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