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Erin Caldwell

Walking Together

Trinity UMC (Richmond, VA) Mountain Medical Team

eJournal - Monday

We had a great start to the week today! Our newest team members - Mary Margaret, Greta, and Joseph - are quick learners! We served in the community of 18 Miraflores in the Santa Barbara Department (state). Sephardic Jewish immigrants came to Santa Barbara years ago, and many of the families in 18 Miraflores are descendants of these immigrant families. In the general clinic, Dr. Curry examined a newborn who was only 17 days old!

Our dentist, Dr. Arita, observed that the dental health of the community was better than many of the other communities he has treated. We are grateful for Cardy's expertise with the pharmacy's inventory. According to him, we counted 150,000 pills yesterday!

For the evening devotion, Thomas read the Scripture about the Walk to Emmaus and talked about how Friends of Barnabas seeks to walk alongside the Honduran people, empowering them and inviting them to join in the work of improving community health.

As we walk alongside the Honduran people and they walk alongside us, we learn from each other and encourage one another...and we see Jesus Christ among us. We look forward to walking together again tomorrow!

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