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Twins and Triplets and Angels

Erin Caldwell

Trinity UMC (Richmond, VA) Mountain Medical Team

eJournal - Tuesday

We had another amazing day on the mountain. Our 11-hour day started after a great breakfast at Alfredo's House. We traveled up into the clouds another 2,900 feet, taking us to an elevation of over 5,000 feet! There we served the community of El Cedral, Las Vegas.

The medical clinic started with Dr. Curry seeing 2-month old triplets. The babies weighted a total of 14 pounds at birth. They were all healthy and on target for development. Virginia then saw a set of twins. The heavy traffic continued throughout the day for the medical clinic, for a total 329 patients. Linda spent the afternoon restoring hearing to several residents who had not heard properly for some time!

The traffic in the dental clinic was primarily children. Thomas and Roger helped Dr. Adan Arita extract 51 teeth. Don (Boyd) and Bert outfitted 54 folks with new glasses and sunglasses.

Today was extra special, because we had an angel from the Lord entertain us - an angel in the form of a 6-year old boy named Jefferson. He greeted our team on arrival, he helped unload supplies, and he helped us set up the clinics. In the afternoon, he went from clinic to clinic entertaining everyone with his dance and outrageous costume.

Nury served as the coordinator of clinics and distributer of joy to the children. She gave out the entire weeks supply of airplanes to the boys. As always, the FOB staff took great care of our team, performing in their usual professional and servant manner.

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