Harmony UMC Mountain Medical Team
eJournal - Day 2

We woke up this morning to the birds singing and the natural beauty of the blue sky. They say that flexibility is key, and this morning was no exception. Due to the rain over the past few days, we were unable to go to the village that had been scheduled; but plans were made to visit the mountainous village of Mojarras.
The ride was steep and bumpy; some compared it to a rollercoaster ride. But we were in great hands with our bus driver, Marco.
We were amazed at how quickly things moved as soon as we arrived at the village. The community leaders worked with the FOB staff to unpack the bus so that we could get started right away. After a brief introduction and prayer, the community was invited to visit the FOB stations.

Today, there were 165 people seen at the general clinic, 23 tooth extractions, 33 people were issued glasses, and 125 people were seen at the vitamin clinic. We all felt it was a good start to our first day.
We then made the long trip home, had dinner, and then debriefed for the day. Some shared that they were apprehensive and even frightened at first but by then end of the day they were relieved and could feel the support of others throughout the day.

There seemed to be a consensus from the group that we were finding our stride and felt good about the day. Gabriella and Jan both felt lead to give crosses to two mothers today. Frances shared that she passed out many sticky crosses.
Patti led us in a devotion reading 2 Corinthians 5:20. She talked about us taking the responsibility of being the face of Christ to the people here in Honduras. And ended with the song “Let Them See You In Me. As we move into tomorrow, we hope to take that message with us.
Sharon Evick
Marcey Kellogg
Jeni Stuart