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First UMC Youth Team

Erin Caldwell

Wednesday, July 2

Early Wednesday morning, 15 of us all departed our various areas of Virginia to begin our journey to Honduras. After a flight from Greensboro and one from Richmond; all 15 of us met together in Atlanta to continue on to San Pedro Sula. A little before noon we touched down in San Pedro Sula and began the process of gathering our luggage and customs. We were quickly greeted by the friendly smile and face of Nury, then found Elmer and the bus!! After a quick bite to eat, we began our drive to Alfredo’s house in Peña Blanca, Honduras. Upon our arrival, we were welcomed with hugs and smiles, introductions and wonderful pineapple and mango for a snack. The rest of the day concluded with a wonderful meal, packing piñatas and preparing for the week. We cannot wait to see what the Lord has in store for us.

Thursday, July 3

At the start of this morning (Thursday), we kicked off our trip with an excursion to Pulhapanzak Waterfall to zip-line across a magnificent waterfall. After being amazed by this beautiful example of God’s creation, we headed back to Alfredo House where we took an informative tour around the Friends of Barnabas facilities. In the afternoon, we had a gathering with a local group of teenagers, where several leaders spoke and we all shared communion. Then, both groups taught each other a fun song and dance before beginning the Honduras vs. USA soccer game. Although USA lost 4-1, everyone thoroughly enjoyed the competition and cheering for their friends. Some members of the mission team even gained Honduran fan clubs! All-in-all, the day was filled with lots of excitement and smiles, while sharing the love of Christ with our newfound friends. We look forward to our first village visit in the morning of day 3 in Honduras.

The First UMC Youth Team

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