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Trinity UMC Travels to Loma Larga

Erin Caldwell

Wednesday March 21st 2018

Wednesday dawned another beautiful day in Honduras. We again shared our breakfast with UNAH therapy students and headed off to Loma Larga in San Antonia, Cortes. This village has a population of approximately 300 and their main means of livelihood is from raising corn and beans.

Dr. Curry saw a 4 year old with a large infection on his backside. This was only discovered when the mother asked Dr. Curry to look at a recent dog bite the child had suffered. All of the medical staff was needed to assist in lancing and removing the infected area.

During this visit we discovered a huge number of patients with hypertension and diabetes. One patient of Dr. Curry’s had a blood pressure of 210/100. Linda saw two patients with aortic stenosis. Dr. Curry saw a baby with Down’s syndrome. Our team was able to refer these patients for further treatment and education.

Do to a high patient load Virginia helped out in the medical clinic in the afternoon after finishing her duties in the anti-parasite clinic. Patti gave her cross to one of the therapy students who showed tremendous amount of compassion and gentleness. It has been a pleasure serving these communities this week.

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