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Another Day in Paradise

"Blessed be the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." "Poor in spirit" means to be humble.

The Honduran people, from what our team has

observed, are a very humble people. In each village we've visited thus far all have been very appreciative of everything done for them. Their eyes simply shine and their smiles become broad with the extras we are able to provide, such as diapers, handmade or new, store bought clothing, shoes and hand knit blankets all donated by generous friends of The Friends of Barnabas Foundation.

Today we were in Agua de la Reina which means “water of the queen.” The royalty of the name, however is deceiving. Until recently they were without electricity and clean running water.

Their school rooms for our clinics were small, but clean. Because the rooms are also dark the men of the village brought in a very large ladder and added another lightbulb to the single one in the ceiling, the only light source for the room. A fan was provided to bring much needed fresh air into the room on a very hot day, but to little avail. The heat was intense.

More crosses were given away today by our team. George gave his to a sweet little girl who happened into the eye clinic alone, walked up to him with a smiling face and handed him her butterfly drawing on a stick. Martha gave hers to a brave little girl who had an abscess on her face lanced by Mike. Tears flowed, but she made not a peep or a move.

The women of the village prepared scrumptious cakes and coffee for our break times which we greatly appreciated.

The long, bumpy trip back to Alfredo House was accompanied by heavy rain, but we arrived safely, hungry and tired but having loved our day and looking forward to yet another day tomorrow. This week is flying by!

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