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Finishing the Week

Day Five began early again with another fantastic breakfast made by Virginia and Albita. We all gathered on the bus for the shortest ride this week. It was only an hour’s drive away! When we arrived at the community of La Union, San Francisco de Yojoa, we began to get all the clinics ready for patients.

We weighed all the children from the ages of 9 months to 15 years. Soon Jill gave another kind welcome from the Reveille team, speaking to the people of our home and God’s love. The people soon began to come, and kept coming. The team working until 1pm, when we had finished seeing all the patients of La Union, San Francisco.

Once we had packed up all our supplies onto the bus, Melvin took us on a home tour in the village. We saw some of the homes people lived in, as well as how they cooked and slept. The experience was eye opening to all of us who experienced it.

When we arrived back at Alfredo House, we had another fabulous meal made by the cooks and then we began inventory on all the supplies we took to the villages. Once we organized, and counted many different medicines, we reloaded all the inventory back into their storage area, and said a sad goodbye to the staff of FOB.

Many of us had an amazing week, and will truly miss all the kind people of Honduras. We ended our day today with stories, a fun dessert with Nury, and a history of this truly amazing country

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