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Weathering the Storm

Erin Caldwell

Monday, August 5th, 2019

Our focus today was weathering the storm. Our storms may be frustration, sadness, impatience, or any other unplanned event that causes us distress. During the storm, it is imperative to find God's peace and be still with Him. If we keep listening to Him, He will guide us after the storm for the direction He wants us to take. By taking the time to be still, we can also be that beacon of peace and hope to all around us.

The people lined the street greeting us with exuding joy. You would have thought it was Christmas to see their excitement and enthusiasm!

They immediately pitched in to help unload the bus load of supplies. Even the children were anxious and curious to be part of our set-up. It didn't matter whether you spoke their language, they hugged us and explained personal stories. It is evident God's love has no borders or boundaries when they immediately greet and hug you like family, thanking you, and blessing you.

Some of the team members enjoyed watching the kids and parents interact with each other. You could really see the genuine concern and care for their family. The village touched our emotions with their drawings of hearts and "I love you" in English and Spanish, playing bubbles with all, and writing their names with our names to include self-portraits. One team member was emotional when asked to draw and write in a little girl's coloring book.

One thing that was heartbreaking was the small child whom has Dengue Fever and the fear in the mother's eyes. In addition, several had a cough, fever, and sore throats. It's amazing to us that even though poverty and health are issues, the Hondurans still come to us with their Sunday best on and positive attitudes. Today we all weathered the storms together with love, compassion, and deepening faith in God our Father.

May we come together in our storms to Glorify God.

~Bridgett Crawford


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