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Early Childhood Intervention Team

Journal 1- Saturday July 22, 2017

We made it! This Early Childhood Intervention Team has come from across the US and converged at Alfredo’s House this afternoon. It is a team that only God could put together. They will each be introduced throughout this week, and we will send lots of pictures of what we are doing. There will actually be three different activities happening, but we are focused on one thing; to help the children of Honduras get the best start in life. From speech therapies, to classes for parents, to providing vision screenings; this will be a busy week.

First impressions included:

“I was surprised to see so much barbed wire around houses.”

“The road was really good.” (just wait)

“Seeing the poor housing and children playing in the dirt was sad.”

“There were lots of advertisements on the homes.”

“The guards at all the stores surprised me.”

Our devotions tonight were about the Prayer of Jabez. 1Chronicles 4:10-“Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.” Each person on this team has come to do things that are within their wheelhouse, but we know that God will enlarge our territory by using those skills in new and different ways. Each person will be blessed. Each person will be protected by God’s loving hand, so that we each can do what we have been called here to do.

The evening rain is falling. The night is cool. (Sorry Virginia folks!) We are tired but excited about what this week holds for each of us.

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