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Erin Caldwell

Meet Elmer

Journal 4

Wednesday, June 21th, 2017

Day 5: Rockbridge Medical Team

Today the team traveled to the Community of Los Laureles Concepcion Sur. This community has a population of 300 people divided into approximately 60 families. This community has a potable water system, they have electric service and 100% of the families cook their food on firewood stoves.

There were 139 patients seen in the clinic. 102 were given vitamins, 68 were treated at the deworming station, 16 at the fluoride station, 37 at the Eye Clinic, and 15 at the Dental Clinic. There were 15 extractions, 5 referrals, and 2 patients were sent the Extended Care Program.

Today there were a few patients that touched member’s hearts. One in particular was a 2 year old boy named Elmer whose chief complaint was bumps on his scalp. When the little boy walked into the clinic he had a noticeable issue with his gait. Upon assessing his lower extremities it was noted that the child’s right foot was clubbed. His mother informed us that when he was 10 months old he had surgery on his foot and was supposed to follow up but unfortunately never did.

In addition while listening to his heart sounds a heart murmur was identified. This child is now being referred to an orthopedic surgeon for further evaluation of his right foot and to the cardiologist for his heart murmur. The team approach in not only identifying the needs of this child but the communication of medical concerns between team members which began at the measuring station. Today was a good day.

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