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Changed Forever

Erin Caldwell

Journal 5

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Today we visited El Sauce, San Luis, Santa Barbara where we saw 196 patients in the general clinic, 53 in the eye clinic and 22 in the dental clinic. We've had the pleasure of having Dr. Arita stay at the Foundation with us and sharing prayer and meals. Tonight, after dinner, we shared communion with Danilo, Virginia and Albeta, who are our cook, housekeeper and grounds keeper.

Where did we find God today? We found Him having a team member and daughter experience this mission trip together. We found Him in a little boy with an eye issue. We found Him in a little boy with cerebral palsy who we know is being comforted by God. We found Him in the opening ceremony where Mike gave the prayer in English and Dr. Arita translated. We found Him in a home visit with a 9 year old in a wheelchair who has Guillain-Barre Syndrome and in his mother who struggles with the means to care for him. We found Him in a man who made sure that we had privacy in the dental clinic. We found Him in a positive pregnancy test of a mother who already has 4 boys. We found Him in our bus driver who has recently learned that his grandmother has cancer. We found Him in a woman who touched both the face and heart of one of our nurses. We found Him in a cell phone left on a table and not stolen. We found Him in children blowing bubbles and having a chance to play. We found Him in a follow up call from an ophthalmologist. We found him in a smile across the room.

Six word phrases - "Discovered the power of a sucker" and "I saw my daughters eyes today" by Kristy. "Gods nourishment are in our backyard" and "Honduras life keeping it simple" by Terry

We have the opportunity to be changed forever.

-Anne Van Wart

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