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A Week of Fullness

Erin Caldwell

Chesterfield, VA

Mountain Medical Team

Equipped with duffel bags full of medical supplies and hearts full of hope, fifteen servants set out this weekend for a week full of connecting with and caring for families in rural Honduras.

FOB partners with 30 communities in central Honduras to bring medical services and health education to the people in those communities. During our first clinic day, we built trustful relationships in a new partner village for Friends of Barnabas.

The Oxford Dictionary defines trustful as “having or marked by a total belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone.” Bringing the mobile clinic to a new community meant new experiences for all.

The people of the village opened their hearts, entrusting us with their stories and to care for their precious children. We provided health screenings, health education, referrals, dental, and vision care to hundreds of individuals. It was humbling to be met with pure acceptance. Speaking in two languages, we found togetherness in prayer.

Our team experienced several challenges but the Honduran staff worked wonders to ensure we fulfilled our first day’s mission to serve the community of Piedra de Afilar. With God's help, we were able to see 293 patients in the general clinic stations, 43 patients in the dental clinic, and 44 patients in the vision clinic.

Thank you for praying along with our team!

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