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Martinsville MMT

We Saw Everyone!

Greetings from Mountain Medical Team 10-15!!

We journeyed to Buena Vista today and what a day it was!! After travelling over an hour, we had to set up the clinic at a different school due to the rain and the condition of the road.

The medical and dental clinics were set up in class rooms.Although working room was limited, the members of each clinic managed to treat all patients. There were 253 patients seen in the general clinic. In the dental clinic, 43 patients were seen and there were 52 extractions. Fifty-one folks were seen in the vision clinic.

The Vitamin/Deworming/Fluoride clinic set up on the porch of the school with 89 children receiving fluoride, 89 receiving deworming medication, and 49 children were given Vitamin A.

Three of our members gave away their crosses today. Dr. Jim McKay gave his cross to a woman diagnosed with cervical cancer, while another member, Bob Moore gave his to the woman who opened her house to the Vision clinic. Beth Cox was touched by a 9 year old girl who had dental surgery.

Many thanks go to Marco for his wonderful smile and expert driving ability!!

Tomorrow the team travels to Santa Rosa.

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