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Sunday, July 6

Today, we visited San Antonio de Yure, a community located about 30 minutes from La Casa de Alfredo. When we arrived in the community, only a few kids were there to greet us, but quickly that turned into a crowd of about 120. The kids who were with us today were younger than the previous two communities, and offered us each an opportunity to tap more into our “inner-child.” We were able to teach the kids the beloved team dance to Tu Ti Ta, as well as Hal-le-lu and the 5 Monkeys.

We divided the group into 3 small groups based on age, and yet each group was over 35 people. For many of us, getting to work with kids under the age of six tested the flexibility of our group. We all pitched in to make sure the day ran smoothly—the beauty of working with flexible people is that they do not get bent out of shape.

Our day in San Antonio de Yure ended with Amy and Michael doing masterful works of art with face-paint for lots of the kids, as well as with the celebratory Piñata. The day would not have been complete without a game of fútbol organized by Austin and Jacob.

After an incredible dinner of Fried Tilapia, Yucca fries, beans and rice, and freshly made tortillas, we gathered outside facing the mountains to celebrate communion. Janine Howard, the Danville District Superintendent, offered a beautiful sermon reminding us that God is already working in the communities where we have visited, and will be there after we leave. She also shared the insight that “We are not God, God is God, thanks be to God for that!” Sharing communion with each other on the team felt as if we were sharing it with family.

Tonight was also a special night because Nury, the Honduran Director of Friends of Barnabas, gave the team cultural insights into the country of Honduras. We ended the evening by making Bananas Foster as a group, served with ice cream. It has been a day full of blessings and making new friends; it is hard to believe that we are on Day 5. We look forward to what is before us, and are thankful for what we have experienced thus far.

The First UMC Youth Team

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