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Santa Fe Abajo

Erin Caldwell

September 28, 2023

Our time here in Honduras is winding down and I know I am not alone in stating that I will miss this place of wonder tremendously when it is time to depart. This morning we gathered for our usual 6:15 breakfast and fueled our bodies preceding our hour and a half drive to the village of Santa Fe Abajo. The landscape in which the village was seated demonstrated yet another spectacle. This community had quite a large school building for us to work in as compared to the days prior, but not quite as many visitors. One aspect that has been consistent day in and day out is the congenial attitude of every person we have interacted with, making for easy “work days.”

Dozens of families were seen in our various stations and treated for everything from infections to high blood pressure and even the common cold. We were able to provide a wealth of knowledge regarding safe water preparation, medication administration, and proper hydration guidelines as well. Today, four crosses were handed out by our team members to individuals that sparked a sense of urgency or significance.

Once we made it home from our day in the village, we sat around our table sharing the specifics of our cross-offering accounts. Listening to the ways in which each person felt led to give their token of God’s love based on varying cues was truly inspiring. Following our dinner and conversation, Joseph read from 1 Corinthians 13. Of course, we have all heard this famous excerpt at least once in our lives, but when verse 2 was read, “And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing,” I became inspired once more. We could be the most intelligent, experienced individuals in the world with every knowledge regarding the human condition, but if we do not go into these villages with love in our hearts, what is the point?

I believe God brought each of us to this place to admonish us that no matter what we chase in our hectic daily lives, the greatest gift of all is love. I pray we all live our daily lives like we have here in Honduras, pouring our love out affluently.

With love,

Savannah and the Harrisonburg Team

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