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San Jose De La Cuesta

Erin Caldwell

Monday, April 24, 2023

Monday morning, the group met at 6:30am for breakfast before meeting the other dentist, physician, nurses, functional therapist and staff who will be working with us in the clinic.

We left around 7:30am and returned around 6:30pm- it has been another full day. After the dinner, we continued with the daily devotional. We focused on verses related to contentment led by Martha. These are the verses we reflected on: Genesis 2:15-17; Ecclesiastes 4:10-14; Matthew 6; Verses from Paul Philippians 4:10-14; 1 Timothy 6:6-10; 1 Timothy 6:17-18.

The group shared a lot of moments from the day working with the mountain community San Jose De La Cuesta. It was a long drive up a mostly winding, dirt road and back down again. Geovany, our driver did an excellent job! As a group, we enjoyed meeting and working with the people.

There were several clinical stations the people came to after registration. There were rewarding experiences being able to help those through treatments today and also being able to refer patients to outside care.

There was one gentleman that had injured his head and neck and had already spent time in the hospital. When he was seen at the clinic, he was referred to the chiropractor on our team. With the treatment he received some of his pain was alleviated and he was encouraged to continue care for rehabilitation. The doctor explained the process could take awhile.

There were some young children who accompanied their grandparents and were eager to know how they were doing as they needed care for high blood pressure and diabetes.

All of our volunteers used their strengths in helping with not only children but for adults as well. Stickers, sunglasses, medicines, and many more items were given to the people. Some volunteers went above and beyond giving the children a little extra with laughter, care, and entertainment.

We all hope we made an impact on this village because they made an impact on us!

The HR Team

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