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Promises to Support and Share

Erin Caldwell

Friday, October 29th, 2022

The NICU team has wrapped up it's week in Honduras. Today was spent with the students from yesterday's STABLE class, going through care scenarios and practicing oxygen delivery methods. The students were excited about applying the new information they had learned. Our new instructors led the scenarios, did reviews of proper equipment use at the beside and truly encouraged their students.

Our team delivered a large box of medical supplies and the new AV equipment to Hospital Leonardo. We had a chance to speak with the new Hospital Director and explain our project and its success so far. It is always important to have the administration behind you!

After lunch we spent time asking the nurses what they felt was the most important thing they had learned in the past two days. They each shared how important it was for them to understand not just what to do for their patients, but also why they do it. Almost all of them said they felt empowered to ask questions of the doctors, to share what they see in their patients, and the overall importance of continuing education. Several shared that they knew they had been called to care for the tiniest of patients and now had even more determination to provide the best care they can. These nurses left promising to support each other, share information and work together to improve NICU care throughout the country.

The day ended with a celebration dinner with members of the Merendon Rotary Club, Dr. David Mendoza (Head of Pediatrics at Hospital Mario Catarino Reves), Dra. Rosa Melgar (Head of Pediatrics Hospital Leonardo Martinez) and Dra. Paola Gonzales (lead neonatologist on day shift at the Social Security Hospital). Our team was able to share all the exciting things that have happened this week, talk about the great steps forward that we have seen in patient care delivery and talk about the future of this project. They are already talking about how to get this out nationally. Whew!

Diane, Arun and I are so grateful for all the support and prayers from each of you. Much still needs to be done, but we are well on our way to giving the smallest of patients a much better start in life.

Stay tuned...big things coming....

~Patti Wagner, Medical Director

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