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Plancitos de Suyapa

Erin Caldwell

Monday, April 22, 2024

Good morning from Honduras! The Sus Manos Team had a successful first day of clinics in the community of Plancitos de Suyapa.

About the community:  There are an estimated 700 residents, divided into 120 families. There are 95 homes in the community, so several homes have multiple families or generations living together. 50% of the homes have outdoor latrines, with the other half having indoor bathroom facilities. The water source for this community is a spring located 4.5 miles away, which is about a 4-hour walk, and is piped into the community for homes to then tap into. All homes cook on an indoor woodstove, but 50% also have an outdoor oven for baking. Phone and internet service is limited, and the closest health care center is a one-hour walk or 100 Lps ($4) for transportation.

The only time a nurse or doctor comes to the community is to provide vaccinations. The Centro de Salud does have both a doctor and nurse on staff to provide care. All prenatal care is provided at the Centro de Salud or the Maternity clinic. Deliveries happen in the hospital. The most common illnesses identified by the leadership committee are cough and cold, fever, asthma, diabetes and hypertension. There are several children in the community that have cardiac issues. This community has a midwife, and she supports prenatal and post-partum education. Deliveries in the home only happen as an emergency. A health promotor was also trained to manage a medication box provided by the Rotary Club of Santa Barbara and in coordination with Aldea Global. This was in place and used for 4 years. This is the second year that Plancitos de Suyapa has been a part of the Friends of Barnabas Community Health Program.

Our team drove an hour from Alfredo House to the village and easily set up on the grounds of the local school.  We had a couple of setbacks early on.  The dental cavity filling machine was not working properly, and the medical records backpacks briefly lost signal, but we were able to transition to paper records and were still able to perform dental cleanings and extractions in the clinic. 

The team members who finished working at their stations played with local children. There were also some touching moments and moments of connection throughout the day.  A young mother of an 18 month old baby was seen in the medical clinic for headaches.  After being examined, she was referred to the eye clinic.  She had not seen the eye clinic before, because she thought the service was only for children.  Upon being examined in the eye clinic, her headache returned.  She was fitted with eye glasses in the clinic and was able to see her toddler running toward her.  She was so thankful not only for her headaches to subside, but to be able to see her child clearly.

After the team arrived back at Alfredo House and had dinner, Cathy K led the nightly devotions.  Cathy had prepared a touching devotion, which I am sharing with her permission, because it resonated so clearly with the group. 


Well, here we are... what country is this?

The people speak another language, you can't wear shoes inside the building, and the mosquitoes will chase you down !!! And, oh...

You'd better not post anything on Facebook about where we are, because this is apparently a Secret Mission...ssshh..

And how on Earth did we end up going through Miami ??? Who thought that was a good idea ? And nobody mentioned that there are bees here. More about that later !!!

Now, speaking of secrets: let's see a show of hands of how many of you have crackers, cookies or other goodies hidden away in your suitcases, just in case you don't like refried beans or can't identify what is on your plate ? Raise your hands !!! Who has goodies !!??

Let's talk about our leader... ummm, wait, I mean our 3 leaders !!! Let's be sure and thank them for taking on this huge task and being brave enough to drag us down here, make sure we're on the bus, remind us to drink water, keep us informed & safe, and encourage us if we're overwhelmed and ready to cry. No wonder we have 3 leaders !!! Let's give them a round of applause.

But, seriously... how did we get here? What are we doing here ???

God sent us. This was His idea, His plan, His doings. He planned this trip, and put in place our leaders, our team... every detail, working with and through us to make it happen. He inspired us and whispered to each of us that we should send that email, make that call, ask those questions... and join the team! He assured us that He will guide us, stay right beside us, every day, right here on this Secret Mission. Or maybe we should say Special Mission. God does amazing things...

Someone gave me a little pocket card once, entitled "The Bumble Bee Cannot Fly." I'd like to read it to you now...


According to laws of aerodynamics

the bumble bee cannot fly;

Its body is too heavy for its wings and that's the simple

reason why.

But the bumble bee doesn't know this fact,

and so it flies anyway

for all to see.

Remember this when you're losing faith or hope;

God's proof that the

Impossible can be. *****

A.S. Waldrop

***** We have a lot of work to do here, and we will work hard, do what we need to do, and do it with energy & purpose. We will buzz around and make things happen, working together & helping each other. We will stay busy like bees, organized & working in sync with one another. The patients will marvel at how our leaders have us marching in a line & working like a well-oiled machine.

Oh wait !!! God is doing that... He does amazing things. All the time. Amazing things like encouraging, guiding, empowering, giving us wisdom, protecting, and forgiving. And most of all, God loves us. No matter what! No matter where we are... He loves us even when we're busy bees and forget to thank Him.

Ephesians 3:20 says: "Now glory be to God who by His mighty power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of- - - infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes."

AND, 1 Timothy 4:14-16 says: "Be sure to use the abilities God has given you... Put these abilities to work; throw yourself into your tasks... (and) Stay true to what is right and God will bless you and use you to help others."

So, busy bees: fill your baskets with pollen and nectar... I mean- fill your backpacks with crackers & cookies, and let's get to work, doing what God wants us to do. Here in this country, right now !!!

Dear God,

Thank you so much for blessing us and giving us wisdom and talents, and the desire to work hard for You. We know that we are able to accomplish great things as You work within and through us. You trust us to be brave and to listen to You, and follow You.

We know that you have brought us together as a team, in this place called Honduras. We may not know the language, and we must hide from Mosquitoes, but we know that this is the right place & the right time, and that this Mountain Medical Team was Your creation... and we thank You. You are amazing & do amazing things...

Please help us know what to say, what to do, and how to help our patients in the eye clinic, dental office, medical clinic, pharmacy, and the other stations that we offer. Give our patients hope and healing, and let us radiate Your love.

Keep us safe & healthy this week and watch over our families while we're away.

This we pray in Jesus' name.


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