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Little Crosses

Erin Caldwell

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Today our team visited a small remote village that took us on an interesting drive through several creeks and over a narrow one lane bridge. The name of the community is Las Crucitas, Zacapa, Santa Barbara. The name means “Little Crosses.” This was the second time that a Friends of Barnabus team has come to this small community of approximately 750 people. The first time was in October 2022. Even with only one previous visit, Dr. Joe observed that the people seemed to have benefited from the education they received. One thing Frances observed in dental, was that the children seemed to have less issues with their teeth!

Generally, when the team arrives at a community, the men and boys help unload the trucks and bus. In this community the elementary girls were equally involved in the unloading. At the end of the day, the girls were helping to get their classrooms back in order. Julia was so touched that she gave her cross to one of the little girls who had been active in both processes.

The early morning began when a 91-year-old man, accompanied by this wife, came into the clinic in severe pain. He was groaning with pain. The decision was made that he would not be able to walk to the clinic, so a team came to him to assess his situation. As Dr. Joe returned to the clinic, he directed Rev. Kathleen to “go pray.” After working with the translator, laying on of hands and praying the man was able to relax and even smile as he and his wife waited for their son to come and take him to the hospital.

Shawn noted how polite the children were. One little girl told her “Thank you” in English! Louisa was talking to a little boy who was busy drawing. She asked him about his drawing, and he said it was the bus the team had arrived on. She asked if she could keep it and take it home. He proudly put his name on it. He proceeded to draw more buses. Louisa has the original if he becomes famous!

At the end of the day, we waved good-bye and headed back down the mountain with hearts filled with joy for being able to be God’s Hands and Feet in the community of “Little Crosses”.

~Kathleen and Louisa

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