Tuesday, August 15, 2023
Today was a day of love, hugs and kisses! The people of La Aguita gave and elicited many expressions of compassion and kindness. For several team members this was a return to a community they served last year, so it was exciting to see familiar faces and realize that relationships were not only formed last year but continue on. We also realized the definition of family is vast – not only do team members serve the residents of these communities, but also Honduran staff and team members.
Physical touch is healing and important. We received and gave many hugs today which restored souls. One toddler converted from fear to giving a kiss to her medical provider upon leaving. Another young girl held a team member’s hand while undergoing a painful tooth extraction and the dentist said she was holding God’s hand. Spontaneous hugs were given to team members just because they were there. Hands were held in prayer as people shared their deepest selves with us.
There was a wide range of ages served today, from a 7-day old newborn to a wheelchair-bound 71-year-old to a spry vivacious 80-year-old. More babies and young children were seen which gave a wonderful energy and joy to our work. The importance of family in La Aguita was evident in many ways: a brother helping his younger sister overcome her fear of the team members and their tasks, comforting a mother deeply grieving the death of her son, seeing an infirm grandfather get enveloped in hugs by his five granddaughters at the end of his medical visit.
And certainly, Flat Jesus knew the importance of physical touch as he laid hands on our Honduran team member and bus-driver-in-training as he deftly and safely navigated the challenging Honduran roads to La Aguita and back!
~Shawn & Mary