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Hampton Roads Team is in Honduras!

Erin Caldwell

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Team Hampton Roads is now safely together at Casa Bernabe in Pena Blanca, Honduras. We arrived yesterday after an upgraded bus ride from the airport in San Pedro Sula. We had a delicious dinner of chicken, chimichurri, tomatoes, potatoes, and Honduran coffee. After dinner, the wise amongst us went to bed but the intrepid amongst us persevered until after 10PM with the help of a group game of Phase 10. Did you know that Hummingbirds can be taught to sing? Neither did we but such claims were made as we became increasingly unable to function from exhaustion.

This morning, we awoke to a drizzly day but decided to continue with the plan of zip lining at the Pulhapanzak waterfall. We were blessed by a clearing of the rain that started just prior to the start of the zip lining and ended just as we finished. The zip lining was exhilarating, and the scenery was superb with multiple passes over the impressive waterfall. However, even more exciting, as we walked towards the entrance, we saw a gentleman proclaim his faith in the Lord via baptism in the river above the falls. We all hope to see the Lord work in our lives and the lives of those we will treat here in Honduras.

When we made it back to Casa Bernabe, there was a particularly delicious lunch ready for us with Chicken Taquitos (slow cooked in a broth of tomatoes, onions, and various spices). We are all very appreciative of our two cooks: Karen and Albita. With full stomachs, we packed the bags for the upcoming week of clinics. We packed vitamins, topical steroids, topical antibiotics, antacids, oral rehydrating solution, face masks, shoes, and dental supplies for 50 families at each of 5 upcoming locations. While packing, there was a call for music. Someone asked what we should listen to. I expected that the requests would be for Hymns, or modern Christian, or something similar. The group consensus was for “Classic Rock”. I like this group!

As a result of popular demand, we are going to attempt to find a spot to watch the Super Bowl tonight. I have heard multiple team-members ask the Honduran staff about Football. The response is invariably about soccer. I am not optimistic that we will be watching the super bowl tonight. However, based on the last two days, our chances of having fun in each other’s company remain quite high!

~Dr. Chase

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