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Goals for our Patients

Erin Caldwell

Thursday, June 1st, 2023

Learning new skills and ways to support our Extended Care Patients was the focus of today. Members of the Extended Care staff joined in with members of the RISE team to practice setting care goals with six of our Extended Care patients.

Jeremias has a new goal of using his words to communicate more with his parents.

Anthony's goal is to learn and use nine new words consistently each month.

Rodyn's goal is to gain weight so he can have cardiac surgery.

In the afternoon, the goal set for Nelson was to help his mom clean up his toys each day.

Aaron's goal was that his mother would get him to the specialist as soon as possible to update his medications. The goal for Felix was to share what happened at school with his mother each day.

All of these goals may seem simple, but for children with health challenges, they are each very important. Parents were essential to the goal setting process. Our staff will now be more intentional about setting patient care goals with each new admission, tracking progress in meeting these goals and celebrating when goals are met. This will also allow FOB to also better document the effectiveness of our care and case management efforts.

As we reflected over dinner (and a birthday party) this evening, the team members shared how exciting it has been to share with the FOB staff but also to help and support our ECP families. Encouraging skills already learned, supporting parents by listening to the hopes and dreams they have for their children, and being realistic about short term goals for our awesome little patients has helped make the time here rewarding as well as successful. The future is bright!!!

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