Tuesday, 3-12-24, Por que Honduras? (Why Honduras?)
“The fruit of silence is prayer, the fruit of prayer is faith, the fruit of faith is love, the fruit of love is service, the fruit of service is peace.” Mother Teresa
What draws us to Honduras? What brings us to service? Going into the world, going into your country, going into your community, going into your school, going into your family?
Each of us have the desire to serve. For the purpose of this group, Muchas Manos has chosen to act this out in Honduras this week. So if you read this and ask the question why, the answers are as varied and individual as each participant. For some it might be Luke 12: 48, “For everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.”
Today we served the village of El Lanillal in San Antonio de Cortes. It is a small community of less than 50 families. It is situated on the side of the most beautiful mountain. The drive was 2 hours from our compound in Pena Blanca, much of it on dirt roads going up, down and around. The vistas were spectacular, rugged peaks and lush green valleys.
From a medical standpoint, many things were seen. A loud heart murmur was found by one provider, another severe bilateral pterygiums; yet another removed a huge wax plug from an ear. Several older people came with illness related to old age. Everyone what treated to the best of the team’s ability. There were two crosses given, one to an older grandmother who has a debilitated husband who could not attend clinic and another to an older gentleman who lived alone and was sad.
The love shared was palpable. It was outstanding! To the family who graciously opened their home to enable us to provide clinic today our gratitude is boundless.
Por que Honduras? Por que estamos aqui? We are here to serve, we are here to love and to accept love. What a lucky group we are.
~Debbie and Joe