Dear Friends,
We hope you and your families are doing well.
We continue to be blessed and are COVID free in all 30 of our partner communities.
Our communities are continuing to receive weekly health education via Whatsapp in the form of videos, fliers, devotionals, and conversations with our staff.
Topics include:
proper hand washing
how to make hand sanitizer
how to make and clean facial coverings
signs and symptoms of COVID (adult and pediatric)
how to make re-hydration fluids
pediatric growth and development topics
basic developmental stimulation methods for infants
how to explain COVID to children
ways to use Moringa for added nutrition
precautions to take when leaving your home
why COVID testing is important
hypertension in pregnancy
how to treat a fever Plans are underway to do small group discussions via Whatsapp. We have posted several of these video trainings on our YouTube channel. If you are interested in watching, please click here: