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Reveille travels to San Roman

Thursday, July 18th 2019

Today we traveled to San Roman in San Francisco de Ojuera, the furthest community we’ve been to yet. In this community there were around 75 families with a population nearing 250. The nearest health center is an hour away by car. Most people work on farms growing yucca, corn, and beans. Because of the working conditions, most San Roman’s suffer from muscle pain, skin infections, and stomach illnesses. Dengue is one of the many illnesses affecting the area.

A family of five came to the clinic to see the medical team. All of the children were seen and cared for first, then the women, followed by the men. The father appeared extremely ill. He had a stomach ache, nausea, rash, and fever, all symptoms of Dengue. Because Dengue is a virus the only treatments are Tylenol for fever, hydration with fluids and rest. It can progress to a serious form of it is not treated in the early stages. This man was nearing a serious stage. He was referred to the local health clinic.

Fresh drinking water is hard to come by in many of the Honduran communities. Its existence is not taken for granted in the village of San Ramon. A mother came to visit the clinic to have her child checked out by the doctors for the first time. We were able to provide her with medicine, vitamins, soap, and shampoo for her and her child. In addition to what we physically give patients, we provide education on how to purify the drinking water. This has the most impact on the health of the community. Julia is two years old and smiles when she sees the small blue seal that acts as a nebulizer, thankfully she does not need it. Her smile speaks to the beauty of the village.

The children loved to crowd around the table while we made friendship bracelets. They all asked if they could have them, but sadly we did not have enough for everyone. We wished we had enough to give out that day, so we decided to work together to make many simple knotted bracelets to give the children. The crowd gathered around our breakfast table as adults and children made bracelets. It was a spectacle to see how appreciative they were of something so simple.

There was one child I know I will remember forever. It seemed as if she would follow all of the staff around to see what they were up to. Especially when James, Megan, and I were playing soccer and keep away. I couldn’t tell you how many hugs I received from her. She continued to count my bracelets, anklets, necklaces, and rings. We counted together going from one to twenty-one, back to one and then again to twenty-one. She gave me so much joy I knew I had to give back something. I gave her my cross to attempt to give back what she has given to me forever. I hope she keeps it forever as a reminder of the sharing she possesses even in her hardships.

-Lily and Megan

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