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NICU Team's Last Day

Erin Caldwell

Friday, April 25, 2019

Today was our last clinical day in the hospitals here. Because of this, all of us had many goals to meet during the day to try and provide the most support and education possible with the time we had left for these medical professionals. They have such an energy and passion to become the best they can be despite any challenges they face.

Joe Cram and Jojy George continued in Hospital Mario Catarino Rivas with their education of in depth knowledge on mechanical ventilation. They also had the opportunity to interact with a physician and discuss some respiratory management strategies of children in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). They came out of today excited by all the nurses' progress as they continue to build their understanding and clinical skill set to be able to provide a respiratory team for the babies they currently treat.

Barry and Kendra continued their day at the Social Security Hospital (IHSS). Today was very busy. Barry and Kendra helped build the first ever high flow nasal cannula used on a baby at this hospital that needed increased respiratory support. Barry was very resourceful through adapting an inline suction catheter that would normally be used to apply suction in an endotracheal tube, but in this case was used as an nasotracheal suction catheter for a baby receiving non-invasive support.

Both Barry and Kendra continued education for the nurses in various respiratory topics including review of chest x-ray. Their day ended with education with one of the NICU physicians on how to manage babies who are ventilator dependent with tracheostomies. They were able to change the ventilator settings with the physician with the one tracheostomy patient they have and a few hours later receive a video from that physician with the child resting comfortably. The transformation of this child was incredible to see.

Arun James continued in Hospital Leonardo Martinez. He had a very productive day running hands on stations where nurses worked to put together bubble CPAP, high flow nasal cannula systems, and both non-invasive and invasive ventilator set ups. They also ran through various clinical scenarios in anticipation of receiving their first ever ventilated patients that they will manage.

Arun also had the opportunity to speak with the rotary club, a group that has supported Friends of Barnabas Foundation. He stated,"we have had very good moments while we've been here, but to impact the life of a child and their family for the rest of their lives only within the first few hours of being in one of the NICUs was amazing." He continued: "moments like that are defining moments in a person's career and it was significant for our team and for the child. To find the staff so motivated to learn was inspiring to us and it will improve our practice as we take these experiences home with us." We truly have been blessed to be the feet on the ground here and we believe through this we have fulfilled the mission: "Hacer el mundo un poco mejor... un nino a la vez" - To make the world a little better... one child at a time.

God has provided many miracles this week. This NICU team was placed together here over the last several days for a reason. Thank you again so very much for your prayers and support through our journey. It has been life changing and life giving for all of us. We ask that you would continue to pray as our team begins to travel back home tomorrow. God bless you and thank you so much for your continued support for the Friends of Barnabas Foundation.

~Kendra Clingerman

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