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Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven

Team Chesterfield began our devotions exploring Matthew 16:19.

“I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

In the Bible a key is a symbol of importance and value. Team Chesterfield will be looking for keys each day as we serve in our communities.

We had an uneventful travel day (which my not seem like news but for this team it was great news!). The team worked extra hard on Saturday to get ready for our week of serving in the FOB communities.

On Sunday we had a cultural day that included a tour of Comayagua. It one of the oldest cities in Honduras, the 1st capital of Honduras and the “heart of Central America”. Our tour guide, Ismael, shared facts, legends and stories that brought Honduras’ history and culture to life for us. We climbed up into a bell tower, saw the oldest clock in the Americas and strolled through a beautiful colonial plaza with all of the other Sunday strollers.

We were amazed when we discovered a section of sidewalk with dozens of keys embedded in the cement and again when we saw keys in the baroque designs on the front of the cathedral.

Thank you to our family and friends who have support ed our journey to Honduras. Your continued prayers will be key to our success this week!

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