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The Healing Properties of Water and Chocolate

Journal 2- Sunday July 23, 2017

The first rule of being a caregiver is always remember to care for yourself. Today our team learned new and exciting ways to do that. The beauty of God’s creation is healing, so we spent some time at Pulhapanzak Waterfalls. Stepping outside of your comfort zone can also be healing, so half of the team went on their first zip lining experience. Yes, over the falls! Exhilarating!

Second, we learned about all the healing properties of cacao/chocolate. Now we are not talking about Hersey’s or Nestle. Those, we learned, don’t have real cacao oils and have too much milk added to them. We are talking pure, dark, straight from the bean chocolate. Did you know that pure chocolate improves your cholesterol, your circulation and your memory? It also has anti-inflammatory properties, tons of vitamins, and improves your sleep and memory? We all decided to stop the medications we were taking and just eat pure chocolate every day! Needless to say, the trip to the cacao farm was very healing.

We did get some work accomplished. Tracy, Kelly, Linda and Cori met to talk through the processes they would use with each Extended Care patient being seeing this week. Every child with delayed or altered speech patterns needs an individual care plan to meet their challenges. As speech therapist and translators, this is part of what they will do.

Corrine and Tim began to teach Patti how to use the new Plusoptix pediatric eye screening device. They will be working in three communities, talking through the procedures that will need to be in place for this device to be used by our Mountain Medical Teams.

Thesa and Patti discussed survey and assessment approaches to use with our community leaders, teachers and parents as Thesa designs teaching modules parents will can use to assist in their child’s early learning.

We are feed physically, emotionally and spiritually. We are ready to tackle the tasks that God has called us here to do. The potential is great! Let’s get this week rolling!

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