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Putting a Team Together

Erin Caldwell

Journal 1

Early this Saturday morning, 3:00 AM to be exact, 8 members of St. Luke's UMC Mountain Medical Team left the church in Danville, Virginia. We headed for the Greensboro, NC Airport where we were to meet up with 5 other team members for the flight to Atlanta.

Upon checking in it was discovered we were one duffel short that we could not account for being checked in. Duane and Lisa returned to the church bus to find it was left somehow behind when unloading. After that bag was checked, we were on our way through customs. Upon arrival in Atlanta we met up with two more members of our team...Cookie flew in from Orlando, and Skip by way of Wilmington...and then off we go to San Pedro Sula, Honduras.

We were met at the airport in Honduras by our awesome bus driver, Marco, and the team had lunch at Wendy's in the airport before the trek to Casa de Alfredo. Upon arrival the team settled into their rooms and while some napped others relaxed on the carport with a cup of coffee enjoying the cool breeze and the beauty of the mountains. Our newbies got a tour of the compound to learn the history of how FOB came to be in Honduras.

A delicious dinner was served and we had time to get some instructions from Nury and get a feel as to what tomorrow holds for us. We had a pleasant surprise with Pascuala and her husband stopping by with their new beautiful baby daughter, Allison. Most everyone is showered and in bed as it has been a long day for many, with little or no sleep since Friday morning.

Good night from a beautiful country that feels so much like home to veterans on the team. By the end of the week it will also be home for the entire team.

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