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Final Prep

All hands were on deck at Ruth Paz Hospital Sunday morning as the final preparations for the week of surgeries were completed.

Supply lists were checked and re-checked; monitors tested and re-tested; patient rooms and operating rooms were readied for the “little heart” patients.

Following the morning’s efforts, the team was rewarded with a favorite among both surgical and mountain medical teams --- lunch from Power Chicken!

After the team returned to the hotel, the case conference started at 2:00 p.m. Led by Team Leader Patti Wagner, every surgical case was reviewed and discussed by team members. In addition to the team, Honduran doctors, Dr. Fonseca and Dr. Guerrero were present to provide insight about their patients who are on the surgical schedule.

Dr. Hisashi Nikaidoh offered a devotion before the meeting began based on I Thessalonians 5:16-18: “Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In all circumstances, give thanks…” Dr. Nikaidoh commented that he was amazed at how far Little Hearts Project had come… and that God loves the children of Honduras.

The day ended with a marvelous dinner and evening at the home of FOB Board Member Ruth Marie Canahuati and her husband and family.

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