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Sad to Say "Good-Bye"

Erin Caldwell

Sunday, October 26, 2014

After a good night’s sleep, the team met in the lobby of the Hotel Casa de Arbol for a continental breakfast. We ate a bite and then met by the pool for communion. The service was lovely and included Phyllis reading Rev. Linwood Cook's A Prayer for Honduran Children. The team then headed for the airport.

We moved through the airport fairly quickly with plenty of time to spare. The team said our sad goodbyes to Nury and Marco Tulio and made our way to the gate. We had some time to shop in the airport and several of us completed our shopping lists! We bid farewell and safe travels to Janet and Anna Fredrickson who joined our team from Montana.

Upon arrival in Atlanta, passing through customs went smoothly. Most grabbed a bite to eat and gathered at our gate. We had a good flight to Greensboro. Once there, we collected all our baggage, loaded the bus and took our final ride home. Safe and sound, we pulled into the parking lot at St. Luke's, unloaded, said “see you later,” and concluded our trip.

All enjoyed and were deeply blessed by this experience, whether it was our first time or our 13th.

God be with you till we meet again.

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