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Tropical Oasis

Erin Caldwell

Wednesday, August 6 - Tropical Oasis with So Many Small Faces

What a busy day! Today we went into a tropical community called Carro Azul. The community was surrounded by mountains and had a rushing river through the middle. The weather was amazing with a nice breeze.

Our clinics were in the “town square” area that was covered. It was a great area to bring the community together for events. We had to climb over our own person mountain to get to the latrines.

It was a sweet little community. The people were beautiful and friendly with children all around. We were challenged with ear infections, decayed teeth, gastritis, and general fatigue. Even though we saw sick children and pulled their teeth we saw many happy faces.

This community had been praying for years for a medical brigade to come back. They were in tears when they found out we were coming. The elderly of the community sought out each person on our team to offer their gratitude.

Tonight we discussed where we get our strength from for the rest of the week. Tomorrow we are expecting to go to our largest community and have our busiest day.

"A las montañas levanto mis ojos; ¿de dónde ha de venir mi ayuda? Mi ayuda proviene del Señor, creador del cielo y de la tierra. No permitirá que tu pie resbale; jamás duerme el que te cuida."

-Salmos 121:1-3 (NVI)

The Farmville Mountain Medical Team

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