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Erin Caldwell

The weather forecast calls for snow… and you’re thinking “Spring”…

While you’re snowed in, some spring cleaning may be the perfect project.

FOB’s Extended Care Program is in need of used child car seats in good condition. The seats are needed by some of our young patients with reflux issues. Oftentimes, to insure that their child does not aspirate while sleeping, a mother will sit through the night holding her child in an upright position. Use of a car seat will help to provide the mother assurances that her child can sleep safely and the opportunity to get better rest for herself.

FOB could also use umbrella strollers in good condition. Although the terrain is often steep, rocky and uneven; some of our patients’ families would benefit tremendously by having a stroller available.

If you have a car seat, stroller or both that you wish to donate to Friends of Barnabas, please send us a message via Facebook, email us at or call our office: 1-804-744-5624.

Thank you for making the world a little better… one child at a time.

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