Equipos Médicos de Montaña
Mountain Medical Teams (MMTs) are an integral part of our work in Honduras. Remote mountain communities in the Lago de Yojoa area are chosen to participate in the Healthy Honduras Program. They each must meet criteria such as how far they are from a health care facility, lack of safe water or sanitary systems, whether they have been served by other aid organizations, and safe access. All communities must demonstrate a commitment to participating in health education and agree to a formal partnership.
Communities receive general health care from MMTs twice a year, including general checkups, vision and dental care, vitamin distribution, fluoride, anti-parasite treatments, and referrals to other FOB services.
In exchange for medical treatment received, communities participate in health-related training and educational workshops, including nutrition, reproductive health, hygiene, and malaria prevention. A health committee is established in each community to promote the program, and a health volunteer is identified, trained, and equipped to act in this role.